Diversity in Philosophy Conference May 28-30, 2015

Diversity in Philosophy Conference May 28-30, 2015

The next Diversity Conference will be held May 28 to May 30, 2015 at Villanova University, in conjunction with the Hypatia conference. The call for proposals can be found at http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/hypatiaconference/ and the deadline for submissions is January 15. Additional features of the conference include professional workshops on publishing feminist philosophy, a workshop on sexual harassment and bystander training, the APA Diversity Summit (May 29), and the APA/CSW site visit training workshop (May 31). 

Below find the details of the first Diversity in Philosophy Conference held May 29-31, 2013 at University of Dayton


Conference on


May 29-May 31, 2013

University of Dayton, Dayton, OH

The Diversity in Philosophy Conference Program is available! To access it, click here.

This conference examined and addressed the underrepresentation of women and other marginalized groups in Philosophy. Participants focused on hurdles and best practices associated with the inclusion of underrepresented groups. It focused on such questions as:

  • Why do white males continue to be over-represented among Philosophy majors, graduate students, and faculty members, especially given that most other fields in the sciences and humanities are increasingly diverse?
  • What are some effective ways to improve the recruitment, retention and advancement of women and other underrepresented groups?
  • What roles do implicit bias and stereotyping play in who advances in Philosophy?
  • How can the climate for women and other marginalized groups be improved?
  • What role can philosophers who study marginalized groups play in advancing underrepresented groups in Philosophy?
  • What can Philosophy learn from National Science Foundation ADVANCE initiatives that address how to recruit and advance women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields?
  • How can we improve the climate for all underrepresented groups in Philosophy, including those who are LGBTQ, disabled, first generation in college, or economically disadvantaged?

Goals of the conference included creating opportunities for networking and building supportive communities as well as sharing cutting edge research.

Invited Speakers: 
Sue V. Rosser, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, San Francisco State University
     Attracting and Retaining Women in Academia
Virginia Valian, Department of Psychology, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center
     The Psychology of Change 
Mariana Ortega, Department of Philosophy, John Carroll University
Howard McGary, Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University
     Race and Inclusion 
Tim McKay, Department of Physics, University of Michigan
Alliances for Change: Lessons from the University of Michigan Advance Program 

Papers and Panels on Topics Including: 
  • Sexual Harassment and Consensual Relationships
  • LGBTQ Intersectionality 
  • Philosophy and Disability 
  • Tackling the Underrepresentation of Blacks in Philosophy
  • Silencing and Exclusion
  • Arrogance and Argumentation in Philosophy
  • Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat
  • Pockets of Progress 
  • Coordinating APA Divisional Efforts  
  • Mentoring 
  • Undergraduate Retention 
  • Inclusive Pedagogy
  • Department Chairs' Roundtable

We invited papers arising from relevant research programs, or about insights arising from relevant professional experience, including research, service and teaching work. We invited individual presentations of 20 minutes with 10 additional minutes of discussion, or panels consisting of three 15 minute presentations with a total of 15 additional minutes of discussion. The deadline for submissions has passed.

For more details on the conference, go to University of Dayton Diversity in Philosophy Conference website.

We encouraged presenters to give accessible, engaging presentations.  All conferences rooms could accommodate PowerPoint. Every effort was made to accommodate participants with disabilities.

Submission Deadline: February 1, 2013

Supplemental Travel Reimbursement Funds: Conference sponsors plan offered thirty supplemental travel reimbursements for up to $500 each for those participating in the conference. These funds were earmarked for those who participated in the conference but were unable to receive travel funding from their respective academic institutions.

Disability Access:  The conference was accessible and provided the funds to provide accessibility services such as CART, ASL interpreting, etc.

Site Visit Training Workshop: On June 1, 2013, immediately following the conference, there was a workshop for training members of CSW-sponsored site visit teams. These site visits are designed to improve the climate for underrepresented groups in Philosophy departments.   For further information, please click on "Site Visit Program" in the left sidebar.

Organizing Committee:
Peggy DesAutels, University of Dayton, Chair, APA Committee on the Status of Women
Carla Fehr, University of Waterloo
Sally Haslanger, MIT, Convener, Women in Philosophy Task Force

Programming Committee:
Paul Benson, University of Dayton
Lawrence Blum, University of Massachusetts Boston
Cheshire Calhoun, Arizona State University
Chris Cuomo, University of Georgia
V. Denise James, University of Dayton
Ishani Maitra, University of Michigan

American Philosophical Association
American Philosophical Association, Committee on Inclusiveness
American Philosophical Association, Committee on the Status of Women
American Philosophical Association, Committee on the Status of Blacks in Philosophy
American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division
University of Dayton, Office of the Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences
University of Dayton, Department of Philosophy
University of Dayton, Women's and Gender Studies Program
University of Dayton, Office of Alumni Chair in Humanities
University of Dayton, Institutional Diversity and Inclusion

If you have logistics questions or wish to ask for particular accessibility accommodations, please contact Stephanie Koziar Sweet at [email protected]

If you have program-related questions, please contact Peggy DesAutels at [email protected]

To download a printable version of the "DIVERSITY IN PHILOSOPHY" poster, click here:  downloadable poster
Once it is downloaded, it can be printed as an 8 1/2" by 11" poster (in color or in black and white).