
to access these newsletters go to the APA Newsletters on Feminism and Philosophy

Spring 2020 Issue: Parenting and Philosophy

The APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy
invites papers, narrative essays, and book reviews on the topic of parenting and philosophy.

The topic of parenting and philosophy in all of its complexities, difficulties, and joys is ripe for philosophical engagement and analysis. My goal for this issue is to provide a venue for philosophers to share their philosopher parenting wins (and failures).This issue will also serve as a resource for those trying to navigate and to conquer creatively the often outdated (and in the United States, mostly lacking) institution of parental leave. I hope that this issue will generate further discussion on these topics, which is important for many philosophers who have and who are thinking about having children.

Submissions can include, but are not limited to the following topics:
 ·       Parenting while queer
·       Parenting while disabled
·       Parenting a disabled child
·       Prenatal genetic testing
·       Single-parenting
·       Co-parenting
·       Adoption
·       Parenting while polyamorous
·       Divorce and parenting
·       Trying to conceive
·       Being unable to conceive
·       Pregnancy
·       Abortion
·       Reproductive technologies
·       Miscarriage
·       Death of a child
·       Navigating parental leave (and succeeding!)
·       Navigating parental leave (and failing)
·       Raising gender-neutral children
·       Raising queer children
·       Parenting while a grad student
·       Parenting while on the job market
·       Parenting while on the tenure track

Invited narrative essays by the following philosophers will appear in the issue:
Teresa Blankmeyer Burke (Gallaudet University)
Saray Ayala Lopez (Sacramento State University)
Rebecca Kukla (Georgetown Univesity)
John Schwenkler and Angela Schwenkler (Florida State University)
Joseph A. Stamondo (San Diego State University)
The APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy welcomes three different types of submissions:
1.      Papers: philosophical papers should be no longer than 7000 words (including references and footnotes).
2.      Book reviews: The newsletter will publish reviews of books with feminist content. The length should be between 1500-2500 words. Review books need not be related to the topic of the special issue. Reviewers must have specific expertise on the subject of the text. The format of book reviews is as follows. They should begin with a brief description of the book as a whole, should contextualize the book within the relevant literature, and should develop a critical evaluation of at least some of the main themes and arguments. Evaluative comments should be specific, instructive, and respectful of diverse philosophical methods and voices.
If you are interested in reviewing a book for the Newsletter, please send a C.V. and a brief explanation of your particular interest in and qualifications for reviewing the chosen text to the following address: Lauren.Freeman [at] If you do not own the book, I will request a copy from the publisher. Deadlines for reviews are negotiable.
3.      Narrative essays: We also invite shorter narrative style essays of around 2500 words in length. These essays should be less formal than standard philosophical papers and can discuss issues and problems related to feminism that philosophers face within the academy, but also in our public and personal lives.
The format for all submissions to the Newsletter is available on the APA website:
Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review and must be submitted by September 30, 2019.
Send submissions via email to: Lauren.Freeman [at]
Lauren Freeman
Editor, APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy
University of Louisville, Department of Philosophy



Lauren Freeman
Editor of the Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy
lauren.freeman [at]

Archive of  Newsletters on Feminism and Philosophy

APA Best Practices in Journal Publishing

The May 2012 issue of the APA Proceedings ( Vol. 85, No. 5) includes a statement on Best Practices for Journals on pp. 59-63, which we excerpt here for those who cannot access the Publications available on the Members Only site of APAonline.  

This was drafted by many members including those on the Committee on the Status and Future of the Profession, and journal editors such as Thom Brooks and Carol Gould, and includes the following sections:

I Guidelines for Journals

II Guidelines for Authors

III Guidelines for Referees

IV Editorial Practices Related to Copyright and Publication.

While you're at it, please feel free to also check out the APA Handbook on Placement Practices.

Journals relevant to our mission:


Feminist Philosophy Quarterly (FPQ) is an online, open access, triply anonymous and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting feminist philosophical scholarship. We welcome submissions from all areas and traditions of feminist philosophy, and our goal is to be a platform for philosophical research that engages the problems of our time in the broader world. We are free to authors and readers, so that no paywall comes between feminist philosophy and the greatest possible readership.

Samantha Brennan, University of Guelph
Carla Fehr, University of Waterloo 
Alice MacLachlan, York University 
Kathryn Norlock, Trent University 

HYPATIA: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy

Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy

Hypatia is a forum for cutting edge work in feminist philosophy. Since its inception in the mid-1980s, Hypatia has been a catalyst for broadening and refining feminist philosophy as well as an invaluable resource for those who teach in this area. Feminist philosophy arises out of diverse traditions and methods within philosophy and is also richly interdisciplinary in orientation.

Hypatia’s commitment to the development of feminist philosophy entails that, in all its policies and practices, Hypatia actively reflect and engage the diversity within feminism itself, the diverse experiences and situations of women, and the diverse forms that gender takes across the globe. Promoting diversity within feminist philosophy and philosophy in general is thus one of Hypatia’s core objectives.

The editors are committed to publishing articles that are broadly accessible. Hypatia serves as a resource for the wider women's studies community, for philosophers generally, and for all those interested in philosophical issues raised by feminism.

Hypatia reviews are now available online at Hypatia Reviews Online

HYPATIA: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 
Essays on the Place of Women in the Profession of Philosophy
Edited by Ann E. Cudd

Hypatia offers a Virtual Issue: an open access, online collection of articles on women in philosophy published by Hypatia over the years, assembled by Hypatia co-editor, Ann Cudd. This virtual issue brings together essays published over a twenty-year time span that address the question of women’s place in the profession of philosophy. It includes essays about women in the history of philosophy; empirical studies of the numbers of women at various stages in their careers; analytical essays about why women, including specifically women of color, are not reaching parity with white men in the profession; and what women are doing to change the representation of women in philosophy. By highlighting this important research, the virtual issue will contribute to the groundswell of efforts to make philosophy a more welcoming place for diverse people and ideas, thereby also improving the quality of philosophical thought.

Read the issue here.
The introduction can be found here.

In addition, the excellent paper, "Quantifying the Gender Gap," by Molly Paxton, Carrie Figdor and Valerie Tiberius, will appear as a "Musing" in the Fall issue of Hypatia (27.4), is published online. 
Read this article on EarlyView
For Hypatia news and alerts, check out the new mobile app, "Philosophy Spotlight." It's sponsored by Wiley-Blackwell and features Hypatia, among a number of other WB Philosophy journals. 
It's available for free download here

Prof Kate,
Jul 8, 2012, 10:51 AM
Steven Williams,
Feb 14, 2012, 7:38 AM